Big break magazine

Shoutout Atlanta

“Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.”

"I think what makes me stand out is my embrace of the darkness in a healthy way. So many people associate anything black, dark, sad, negative, or different with being bad, when in reality, it’s just another facet of life. To truly appreciate the light and joy, the other side needs to exist too.

Aesthetically, I opt for all black and gothic attire because it aligns with who I am and what feels most authentic to me. If I dressed like most rappers, with chains, fitted caps, and a boastful demeanor, I’d be deceiving myself and my audience.

My music covers a wide range of topics. I consciously avoid glorifying crime, materialism, and personal vices. Instead, I delve into my emotions, conscious rap and the black experience, spirituality and esoteric practices, relationships, and whatever I’m going through in life. I strive to make my verses as lyrical as possible without sacrificing musicality. I take great pride in my ability to seamlessly rhyme multiple syllables, words, and incorporate alliteration into my songs. I also enjoy finding the right people to include on my songs. A talented singer, an amazing producer, even some poetry all help elevate my music to the next level. Moving forward, I’m eager to capture even rawer emotions and create music that resonates with as many open minded people as possible, no matter how someone feels at any given time.”

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Real music hype

“Are you signed to a label or are you an independent artist?”

“I’m actually an independent artist, doing things my own way. Yep, every single thing you see from me comes straight out of my own pocket. I’ve had a few offers before, but you know how this music biz can be. So, for now, I’m holding off on signing any deals. But hey, when the right opportunity comes along and everything aligns perfectly, who knows? I might just take that leap.”

“What have been the biggest challenges in your music career?”

Well, one of the major hurdles I faced was battling with depression for a while. Once I conquered that, the biggest challenge in my music career has been juggling multiple roles as a solo artist. I handle everything from booking gigs at festivals, collaborating closely with a select group of talented producers to bring my musical visions to life, designing my own cover art, styling myself, managing my own social media and marketing efforts, directing my own music videos, and essentially being the brain behind every aspect you see. Of course, I do have some support, but more hands on deck would mean more content and even greater possibilities.”

Read the full article by clicking the link below

Rock the hip hop

@l3x oliv3r’s artist name is just as unique as his rap style. Honestly,”Th3 Witching Hour” is exactly what it says it is. It is a song that has ominous vibes and dark lyrics.

This is song isn’t your typical rap banger because it deals with occult themes and elements. Even though the song is a minute and 15 seconds, it still manages to deliver.

“Reading tea leaves, but it’s not a good picture” are among some of the clever lines in this song and the creepy keyboard riff accentuates Oliv3r’s flow.

The chorus is a departure from the style of the verse, and I wish this song had 2 other verses because it’s actually really good.

The style of this track is something you would hear under the Psychopathic Records umbrella which was founded by Insane Clown Posse.

@l3x Oliv3r definitely penetrates the horrorcore genre, but adds his own unique voice and twist to the style that is actually reminiscent of classic horrorcore rap from the early 90s.

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